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The Rewards of Partnership

The rewards of partnership are not one-way.

It doesn't matter if you're the one doing the preaching or if you're the one supporting the preacher, according to 1 Samuel 30:24-25, the reward for the work will be the same:

For as is the share of him who goes into the battle, so shall his share be who stays by the baggage. They shall share alike. – 1 Samuel 30:24 (AMPC)

When you step on the bridge of partnership with IPM, you can expect:

  • Spiritual rewards for the ministry work being done

  • A harvest on financial seed sown

  • The ministry's anointing to operate in your own life.

In addition to these rewards, you'll also receive satisfaction knowing that you are reaching far beyond your personal sphere of influence and impacting people all over the world with our life-saving message.


What Makes You A Partner?

Partners are individuals, and families, businesses and ministries that faithfully and periodically sow some level of financial support and prayer into Isaac Pitre Ministries. Your Partner gift enables IPM to carry out its global mission and positions you to receive the rewards for the work, the anointing of the ministry and a grand harvest on your seed sown.

If you're ready for a Partner in ministry, we'd like to be that Partner. Our greatest days of ministry lie ahead as we minister alongside one another... in partnership!

Partner Today

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©2025 Isaac Pitre Ministries

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